
Solar Cells – What Are the Different Types?

Solar cells are the major base component which produces up a solar power, and that produces solar power electricity. There are different types of actual cells that may be produced, that may go in the make from those panels. The cells have developed over the last 30 years whilst the tech as complex, and notably within the previous 5 years, fresh tremendously efficient cells are developed that have been revolutionizing the renewable power energy industry now.

One of the first types of solar cells produced is that a thin film photovoltaic cell phone. Such a film is more brown in color, and looks like a photo picture sheet. A wonderful form of cell for its day, as it really got solar powered energy started. It was quite costly for the quantity of power it was produced, but its own novelty was a beginning of something in its industry.โคมไฟโซล่าเซลล์​

The next break through in solar cell technology was that the poly crystalline cell. This cell was considerably more efficient then your original kind of solar power. And that is the major factor to look at, when looking efficiencies, could be the amount of energy or power density you’ll be able to produce per square meter of .

The mono-crystalline cellphone was the new advancement from the poly-crystalline technology. Even though the gap between both of these technologies isn’t a huge difference. It has become the most common type solar panel used today in solar energy applications. The major difference in this technology is that the improved ability to produce more power in shadowed parts of your day, produce more power when its cloudy day, and in lower rates of sunlight.

From there the upcoming advances in solar technology isn’t too much efficacy but more so usability for diverse types of people and applications. Such as flexible solar panels. This shift made the solarpanels in to a soft rubberized mat. The mat can be folded or fitted to fit curves and rolled into bags for mobile applications. This technology made the solar panel system simpler for everyday folks.